Nau mai, haere mai – welcome to Te Hono
Kua whakaritea tēnei rārangi ratonga hei tautoko i tō hīkoitanga i te ara o te ture i Aotearoa nei.
This services directory is designed to help you navigate the justice system in Aotearoa.
Ko te whāinga o ngā rōpū kua whakarārangi nei he tūhono i a koe ki te oranga e tika ana mōu – oranga hinengaro, oranga ngākau, oranga wairua, oranga tinana, oranga whānau rānei.
The organisations listed aim to connect you with oranga and wellness whatever your need – mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, family or social.
E taea e koe te kimi mā te momo oranga e whai nei koe, mā ngā ratonga e kimi nei koe, mā tō wāhi, otirā, mō ngā rōpū kaupapa Māori ake nei.
You can search by your wellness need, the services you seek, your location, and for organisations with kaupapa and delivery framework that is distinctively Māori.
Kātahi ka whakaatu ki a koe he rārangi kaiwhakarato, ā rātou ratonga, me ā rātou taipitopito hoapā.
The directory will then give you a list of providers, their offering, and contact details.
E tūhono mārika ana tēnei rārangi ratonga ki te taupānga pāhekoheko Te Hono, ki reira kitea ai he mōhiohio whai take, he tīwhiri, he tauira anō hoki e toro ai koe ki ngā rauemi e tika ana māu. Ka taea te taupānga te tikiake utukoretia i konei.
This directory is directly connected to the interactive app Te Hono where you will find useful information, tips and examples so that you can access the right tools to get support. You can download the app for free here.
He hinonga tēnei kua aratakina e ngā ringaringa whānau, me ngā mōhiohio kua kōmiri e Te Puni Kōkiri rātou ko Inaia Tonu Nei. Ko tā mātou hiahia kia tautokona ērā whānau kua whai pānga ki te ara o te ture, kia pakari ake ai rātou me ō rātou whānau mō ngā pae houkura o āpōpō.
This project is whānau led, with the information curated by Te Puni Kōkiri and Inaia Tonu Nei. We want all those who have a direct and indirect relationship with the justice system to get the support they need to strengthen themselves and their whānau for more prosperous futures.
Kua tīkina mai ngā ratonga tautoko i ngā paetukutuku a ngā kaiwhakarato, ā, ka whakarōpūhia ki raro i ngā wāhanga o 'Te Whare Tapa Whā'.
The support services are taken from the provider's website and categorised in terms of 'Te Whare Tapa Whā'.
Ko 'Te Whare Tapa Whā' he ariā nā Tā Mason Durie i whakawhanake, e whakarite nei i ngā pātū e whā o te wharenui ki ngā taha e whā o te oranga, ki tā te Māori titiro: te taha tinana, te taha wairua, te taha whānau, te taha hinegaro.
'Te Whare Tapa Whā' is a concept developed by Sir Mason Durie that uses the symbol of the wharenui to illustrate the four cornerstones (or sides) of Māori health: Taha tinana (physical health), Taha wairua (spiritual health), Taha whānau (family health), Taha hinengaro (mental health).
Ka whakatauira te wharenui i ēnei wāhanga e whā, tōnā tūāpapa mārō tae atu rā ki ōnā pātū. Ki te hinga, ki te whara rānei tētahi taha, kei tūpono hikuwarutia, ā, māuiui rā anō te tangata, te rōpū tāngata rānei.
With its strong foundations and four equal sides, the wharenui illustrates the four dimensions of Māori well-being. If one of the four dimensions is missing or in some way damaged, a person or collective may become 'unbalanced' and subsequently unwell.
Ki ētahi Māori tokomaha tonu, kahore te taha wairua e manahia ana i ngā ratonga hauora o ēnei rā. E ai ki ngā mahi a ngā mātua tūpuna, he mea nui te kuhu mai o te taha wairua, te taha whānau, me te taurite hoki o te taha hinengaro, tērā ki ngā māuiuitanga ka hua mai i te taha tinana anake.
For many Māori, modern health services lack recognition of taha wairua (the spiritual dimension). In a traditional Māori approach, the inclusion of the wairua, the role of the whānau (family) and the balance of the hinengaro (mind) are as important as the physical manifestations of illness.